Subject: Cpu cooler base plate barely covers cpu
By: En.Ki (IP: 198.176.208.*)
Written on: 11-09-2009 20:12

ok the subject is my question... I have an ARCTIC COOLING FREEZER PRO 64... which some sites say is am2/am2+ compatible. Anyway my question is this... the base plate for this barely covers my cpu... I mean like barely there is a very small area sticking out on either side... so little you can\'t see it with out getting pretty much on top of it... is this an issue? I have monitored my temps for a month and a half now and they idle @32c and load around 40-45c depending on what the room temp is...

everything seems to be ok but is it really?


it is a PhenomII x3 720BE on a AM2+ board....


By: Ray_GTI-R (IP: 86.128.79.*)
Written on: 17-10-2009 03:13

Idle 32C & load 40-45 is desireable for all but the very latest Intel low-power desktop CPUs like the Atom in a D945GCLF2 motherboard etc etc.
HTH, Ray
(Who is struggling with a SL7PP idling at 47C, load 60C & aftermarket cooler, lapped, using top quality paste, with the latest BIOS for the motherboard and everything.)
By: Ray_gti-r (IP: 86.128.76.*)
Written on: 06-11-2009 03:29

Now getting idle 20C load 35C @ ambient 20C on a BCM server motherboard & extreme cooling (& noise!) but previous temps as stated.
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